D6 metro last light walkthrough
D6 metro last light walkthrough

This is how the invisible watchers and the Brahmin could know about the Dark Ones stashed away in D6. A journal entry reveals Artyom's speculation about the origin of the Dark Ones actually being a prewar experimental soldier that feeds off radiation and can communicate without equipment, think hivemind. The Brahmins disdained the Spartan occupation because of their prior knowledge of D6 and their perpetual use of violence to solve problems.

d6 metro last light walkthrough

When he defies them and occupies D6 anyways, you'll notice at the start of LL it is really only Rangers there, even the merchant is a Ranger. Indicating that Hunter was privy to more info than Miller, which could explain how he fell from grace in the 2034 novel. I think the knowledge given by the invisible watchers about the Dark Ones and D6 is the primary reason that the Polis council (made up of th 4 Polis factions) denied Miller's expedition there. Namely, Hunter was told about D6 and the Dark Ones long before the beginning of 2033 with Artyom, as he refers to the Dark Ones as "old friends" on the tape he leaves to Red at the Ranger hideout in Dead City.

d6 metro last light walkthrough

The schism among Polis factions and Hunter's words give the implication that the Brahmins revealed certain secret information to a privileged few. Except the invisible watchers have been struggling themselves, but they can't expose themselves, risking the chaos that is the rest of the Metro spreading to them. The invisible watchers abandoned D6 shortly after retreating underground because it was all self destructive weapons and they are said to be able to communicate with the Brahmin leaders at D6. Polis is made of 4 factions and one of those is the elder Brahmins that make up the last scientific minds from the old world left in the Metro. The "invisible watchers" (another human faction) are said to inhabit the Metro 2 lines and still have a way to the University as well as other hidden entrances to the main Metro tunnels. D6 is part of the Metro 2 lines (that actually exist below public subways in Moscow). Of course they were too naive to think they could just recover if they could survive the blast. It's designers had a crap hashed plan to use those supplies to retaliate against their nuclear aggressors. D6 is definitely a shelter but more for weapons, tanks, and missiles than people. Even after the world is over the guns of their fathers are still damning them. D6 never had any supplies other than weapons (they state that in game dialogue), that is why Artyom implies that D6 would curse the Metro inhabitants. That's pretty close, except "Homonovus" is straight from the first scene in the original 2033 with Alex and Hunter (who still lived after the events of 2033, fun fact). I want to know what you guys think about the inconsistencies and how they relate to actually make sense with newer plot revelations from Redux before I give away what I think is to be the truth about the Dark Ones and the purpose for D6.

d6 metro last light walkthrough

During the vision Khan says their hibernating and the little dark one says they are sleeping, contradicting Artyom's previous thoughts. yet all of the dark ones you see in the vision and at the final scene are all fully grown adults. During his load screen monologues, Artyom first says that they are young dark ones that are still developing, gathering the collective knowledge of their race. That is just an example, the new theory ties in line with Alex's line that the dark ones being the "Next step in evolution," which I think is wrong but only in a certain manner.ĭuring the game you discover the other dark ones in D6.

#D6 metro last light walkthrough update#

The line "Looks like it is going to be tougher than the library," now has actual meaning (with the alley level update in 2033). Now in redux, the diary pages have changed and they reveal new light on those plot holes giving new meaning to other parts in the game. So in the original LL there seemed to be some weird plot holes.

D6 metro last light walkthrough